Thursday, July 30, 2009

When life gets in the way...

Let me start on a positive note. This weekend marked the first time that I actually worked out on a Saturday. It's been a struggle with my weakened weekend motivation throughout the process, and it felt good to break the streak and sweat on a day that I didn't have to report to the office. That said; it's all been downhill since Saturday...

It feels like all the forces of nature have conspired to keep me from working out this week. Since I began this blog in May, I have not gone as long between workouts as I have since Saturday. Of course, there was a good reason for each morning workout I missed, but isn't there always?

Returning from a three day weekend trip to Corpus, my wife and I learned that infants don't need to have traveled by plane to be jet lagged. Our beautiful little girl had her sleep schedule all scrambled, and she had taken us down with her. For me that meant treating Tuesday morning as an opportunity to recover some lost z's. Excusable.

Wednesday morning I had some very important work that I needed to get done before I got to the office. This is a rare occurrence, so I knew I needed to work in, not work out. Hey, sometimes the job has to come first.

Last night I promised myself that I'd do better. I set out my packed workout bag, folded the morning's clothes and filled my water bottle. I set an early alarm and settled into bed. My alarm went off before 6, just as I'd planned. What I didn't expect, though, was the look on my wife's face. Apparently little Sydney had woken her up every two hours during the night. (Before you go thinking I'm one of those guys who willingly ignores the baby's crying and lets his wife take care of it, let me just assure you that, instead, I'm one of those guys that could sleep through any noise on earth. I've asked my wife to shake me awake to lend a hand, but she won't, especially not nights before she knows I'm getting up early.) This morning she looked exhausted. Swimsuit on and gym bag in hand, I couldn't leave her alone with the baby, who the monitor showed was waking up again.

So I didn't workout this morning. I stayed home and took care of my daughter while her mom got some very much deserved sleep. It made the fifth day in a row that I haven't worked out.

The thing is: I don't really regret any of the aforementioned decisions. I needed sleep. I had to work. My wife needed a hand. I guess if I step aboard that scale tomorrow and it shows the dreaded gain, I won't lose sleep...much. Moving forward all I can do is get back to work.

1 comment:

  1. You should try one of those "Baby and Me" DVD's.
