Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Waisting Away

This Sunday something wonderful happened to me. I was getting dressed for Church, and as I put on my belt...it wouldn't close. I looked down and realized with a pathetic level of glee that I'd run out of holes!

This has happened before, but in the opposite direction. I've outgrown belts before, but the idea of shrinking out of one is profoundly new to me. The best part is, unlike pants or shirts getting too big, I never saw this one coming. I've dropped a pant size, but I hadn't even though about my belts, though.

Just as has been the case with every single pound I've lost and every step I've taken, this small success just adds fuel to my fire. I'm actually proud of how far I've come. I'll admit, that there have been days when I've stood in front of the mirror and thought, "This is what I look like after losing 18 pounds?" For each of those days, though, there is a day like Sunday when I see how far I've come, and it makes the road ahead seem less intimidating.

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