Friday, July 31, 2009

Weekly Weighin: 20 DOWN!

This has been a bad week for my fitness regiment. This morning's workout was my first since Saturday. So you see, I did not have high hopes for this week's weighin.
Sure, I've been paying attention to my diet, but it's a lot harder to stay within my calorie allowance without getting credit for calories burned. All this to say, I was pretty sure that I'd be looking at gain.

Thankfully, that was not the case. Stepping atop the scale at the Summit I was extremely surprised to see that my weight was an even 201 pounds. That's done a little more than a pound from last week, bringing my overall weight loss since starting this journey in May to 20 pounds. This is a milestone that I'm very excited to hit. Up next, I want to get below 200 for the first time in a decade!

I don't know to what I should attribute this week's weight loss. It's hard to believe that diet alone could be successful. Perhaps after a few intensive weeks of training my body was happy to have a respite. Regardless, next week it's back to work. I have another milestone to hit.

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