Friday, July 17, 2009

Weekly Weighin: FINALLY!!!

It's Friday, which means that this morning it was once again time for me to step atop the Summit's scale and potentially start blubbering as if I were watching a Beaches marathon on Lifetime. It had been a long three weeks since the last time I'd observed any real weight loss, and I needed to see some movement on the scale this morning.

So, after getting in a really good swim workout, I prepared myself for the scale. This might sound simple, but it is not. Three painful week of null weight loss have made me paranoid about every ounce of weight. Therefore, I toweled off this morning like I was the wicked witch trying to avoid melting away. I’d dry myself off, wring out my shammy, and towel myself off more. I kept this up until I was dryer than a Baptist wedding (one to which members of my extended family were either not invited or frisked upon entry). Then I made my way over to the dreaded device.

Once again, at this juncture I was still looking to jettison any foreign weight. I took off my glasses. I took off my watch. I plucked my eyebrows and trimmed my nose hairs (this last part did lead to some strange looks from my fellow gym-goers.) Then I stepped aboard and prayed.

I don’t really even know what number I was hoping for, but I know I didn’t want to see 206 again. Fortunately, I didn’t. To my unmitigated delight the scale read 203.4. I know I don’t usually include the decimal, but I’m so happy that I can’t help it. Finally after almost a month I’ve lost weight again, 3 pounds no less! This brings my overall weight loss to 18 pounds since the beginning of May. I’m hopeful that, in the next week or two, I can take that number past 20 and break through the 200 pound threshold. I haven’t been there since I was a teenager, and man will it feel good.

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