Monday, July 6, 2009

Weekly Weighin: A few days late

Friday was both a holiday from work and my fifth anniversary (You hear that, Middle School Bully, I've been married to a totally hot lady for five years!), but I still dragged my over-sized butt to the Summit. After all, I've got an embarrassing web journal to keep.

I hopped in the pool and, after a quick warm up, decided to time myself on a 1000 yards. Once again I used the 300 on - 50 or 100 easy method, focusing on a steady pace. My time was just over 14 minutes. Assuming I could keep that pace, which I think I can, I'm on track for a 25 minute mile. I'd really like to be closer to 20 minutes for the relay, but there's still time.

After my swim, as is the painful custom of this blog, I stepped aboard the Summit's scale...and did not smile. I really wanted to be under 205 pounds. That would have made me an official light heavyweight as opposed to my current heavyweight status. Alas, it was not meant to be this week. The scale read 206 pounds, the same as last week. That's zero pounds lost. Here are some possible explanations:
1.) Clearly the scale is broken (This is not the case. It started at zero and didn't move until I stepped on it.)

2.) Surely I've just swapped muscle for fat, and one of those weighs more. (I don't feel all that much stronger.)

3.) Maybe I was still wet with pounds of water from the pool. (No can do. I towelled off with the scale in mind.)

4.) Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I only got in two good workouts (I did a measly 20 minutes of aerobics Thursday.) all week and I wasn't paying vigilant attention to my calories.

That last explanation has the painful burning sensation of truth. I got complacent last week. I think I was so accustomed to seeing the weight drop that I forgot how I had gotten it moving in the first place. This week I'm on it. I'm going hardcore, and the scale is going to reflect it come Friday morning.

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