Monday, July 13, 2009

On Like Donkey Kong!!!

It seems like a million years ago that Russell first brought up the idea of doing the Lake Travis Relay. At the time it seemed like science fiction. As of this weekend, it's officially on like Donkey Kong.

After a few communication glitches, I was finally able to talk to my cousin Wesley about the swim. It still surprises me every time I see Wesley that he's not still 9 years old, but he has grown up to become a genuinely awesome guy. He's a student at the University of Texas (my own private Mecca), and this summer he is making money... (Wait for it) TEACHING SWIM LESSONS! What's more, On top of having swum for his high school team (a lot more recently than me); Wesley has participated in multiple open-water triathlon swims. Can you spell "ringer."

Wesley makes number six in our dirty half dozen. Other members include Russell and Crystal (cardio workhorses and survivors of some crazy long bike races), Russell's brother (who Russell describes as being "a real athlete"), my dad (the only member of the team currently swimming multiple 2,500 yard swims each week) and myself (lazy, overweight former high school swimmer turned self deprecating blogger). Now that's what I call a ragtag crew!

Now that it is on like Donkey Kong, the relay (October 10th) feels a lot sooner. Friday it was three whole months away. Now it's just 87 days away!

Over the next 87 days, I've got a lot of work to do. I would like to lose another 20+ pounds, and I'd like to speed up my time so that I can average 3 miles an hour. We'll see how all that goes.


  1. I am getting pretty excited. I just hope the other teams can keep up with us....

  2. James you are awesome!! Your blog is crazy funny and I'm anxious to hear about how your training goes. Keep us posted.

  3. what are you worried about? It sounds like you guys have it in the bag:)
