At the suggestion of fellow Fit to Tell blogger, Cora, I've been using's My Plate for a few weeks now, and only today did I figure out how its suggested calorie feature really works. You see, once you create a free account on the site, you can input your age, height and current weight. Then, given your usual activity level and weight loss goals, the site calculates a suggested daily calorie limit. For instance, I'm 27 years old, I'm about 5 feet, 11 inches tall, and I currently weigh 206 pounds. I'd like to be losing 3 pounds a week (I realize this is a little ambitious, but last week was a real kick in the pants for me.), and I'd describe my daily activity level as being moderately active. With this in mind, LiveStrong suggests that I try and get 1,596 calories a day...not to be too specific.

Hopefully making this discovery will help me to better fuel my body and keep my metabolism turning on the days when I work out. I hope that all translates into some weight loss this week.
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