Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sugary Siren Song

I just walked into the break room here at work and was faced with a dastardly villain in a cardboard box. Apparently there were some doughnuts left over from a meeting this morning in the conference room, and an evil co-worker decided to leave them out in the break room...where they sit mocking me.

For me, doughnuts are a real trigger foot. I see those innocent looking O's and just think, "What's the worst that could happen?" Next thing I know, I'm crying into an empty box and watching my belly expanding before my eyes.

As part of my year-long commitment to getting healthy, I don't plan to go on one of those No diets (No Carbs, No Meat, No Joy), I do think I'll have to draw the line at doughnuts in the afternoon.

Still, as I walked away I could hear them calling out to me in their sweet, frosted siren song. "Come back, James. We won't hurt you. We'll just sit on your tongue and remind you of you favorite Simpsons episodes."

Those vile temptresses, they know just how to hurt me. I resisted them, though, opting instead for the less attractive bottle of water on the left.

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