Thursday, May 21, 2009

A small victory over 2AM James

I've written once before of my ongoing battle with 2AM James. He's my own personal Loki, turning off my alarm clock in the middle of the night to keep me from working out in the morning. This morning 2AM James and I clashed in a battle royale that saw my hand raised in victory.

My workout alarm went off at 5:40 a.m. this morning (Sure it seems early, but it was almost 10 in London.), but it was 2AM James that got to the device first. Dedicated to keeping me fat and lazy, he switched the alarm to a more comfortable 6:30 and laid back down to rest.

It could have ended there. It would have ended there a few mere weeks ago, but not this morning. A little voice in the back of my head would not let me go back to sleep. "You need this," he said, and he was right.

I've suddenly realized that beginning this commitment to healthier living is not at all unlike overcoming an addiction. I've never had a real vice before, but I'm starting to realize that comfort was my drug of choice. Just as with a real drug, if I'm going to beat it, I'll have to do it one day at a time. I can't wonder whether or not I'll be doing push ups and cardio when I'm 40. I can't say that I'll never enjoy another gorgeous, greasy burger. All I can control is this moment. I can live healthy right now, and worry about tomorrow when it comes.

Instead of focusing on how much it stinks to be awake and sweating before the sun rises, I can get out of bed and get to work. I know it will be hard, and I'm not at all sure that it is going to get easier any time soon. I can't let that stop me today, though.

That's why this morning I didn't go back to sleep. I didn't let 2AM James claim the day. I got my butt out of bed and get my morning workout done.

It's a tiny (microscopic really) victory, sure, but it gives me a confidence that I can do this. I can live healthier starting today, starting right now, this very minute. Take that, 2AM James.

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