Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Please, Sir, I want some more...

Last night I found my self up past midnight working on something for the Temple Movie Club (If you aren't going, you should be.), and I couldn't bring myself to get up early to workout this morning. Rather than write about a workout I didn't have, I thought I'd tell you about another lifestyle change that I'm trying to implement. No more second helpings for the Jimbo.

I've talked before about how portion control is a weakness of mine. I go to a restaurant, get handed a plate large enough to serve as an Olympic medal stand and get to work. Instinctively, I see my plate, ridiculously full as it may be, and view it as an assignment. I can't count the number of times I've finished a meal in pain. I ATE UNTIL IT HURT ME! Let's take a moment, realizing that there are people in the world starving to death, and reflect on just how obscene that is.

I'm told that a goldfish will eat until its stomach bursts. I am not a goldfish. From now on I only to eat enough to keep swimmin'.

I'm not there yet. I'm not the guy at the table who covers half his plate with a napkin. That still feels like a waste of food...and a napkin for that matter. For now, I'm just not letting myself go back for second helpings at dinner.

At a wedding reception this past weekend, I faced my first real challenge on this front, the all-you-can-eat buffet. Once upon a time, I would have viewed this spread as a challenge to my manhood. "I'm takin' this thing down," would have thought to myself heaping spoonful after spoonful onto my first plate. This time, my first plate was my last plate. Technically I had some cookies later, but they were served on a napkin...not a plate.

Like every aspect of this new commitment to healthy living. I think portion control is going to be a process. I'm hoping that eventually my stomach will shrink a little bit. For now, I'd settle for my eyes getting a little smaller.

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