Tuesday, May 12, 2009

RIP-ped Pants

So, when is it time to get fit? I'd say that spontaneously-combusting wardrobe is a pretty good indicator.

This morning, while holding by beautiful daughter in my arms and trying to get ready to go to work, I made the egregious error of squatting to pick up a burp cloth off the carpet. The sound that accompanied this seemingly innocuous movement was an unmistakable rip.

Sure enough, I reached down to find a rather sizable hole covering a rather embarrassing portion of my physique. Seriously, my pants couldn't have ripped at the knee? That's at least a cool look. Nope, this tear was less punk and more misdemeanor.

Luckily, I had time to change pants before work. Honestly, I think my co-workers would have preferred that I come in late rather than come in exposed.

Now the question is, do I run out and buy a new pair of trousers, or do I wait a little with the expectation that my new workout regime and diet will translate into a smaller pants size down the road?

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