Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Yes 2K

So, after yesterday's failure, I attacked the lane with some extra motivation. Rather than repeat Friday's 300 yards on thirty second break approach, this morning I decided to swim 300 yards at a faster pace, followed by 50 or 100 yards slow. I did this for 1,000 yards and took a minute break. Then I did it all again. My first 1,000 took about 16 minutes; my second, took about 18. After last week's not quite 2K, I did a very easy 200 yard cool down to make the entire workout an official 2.01168 kilometers.

The workout took me about 45 minutes, and I got out feeling really good. By the time of the Lake Travis Relay, I'd love to be able to swim a mile in 20 minutes. That's ambitious, but totally doable, especially given lots of time to recover after my shifts.

Looking over my notes, I find that in the three weeks since I started lap swimming again, I've swum 11,500 yards or roughly six and a half miles. That's farther than my drive to work. Which means, if Al Gore and Kevin Costner are right, and global warming leads to the melting of all the polar ice caps, and the world becomes completely covered in water, I would be able to swim to work...over the course of three weeks. I better call the boss and tell him I'll be late.

In summary, working out feel good. Instead of guilt, I feel pride. Instead of feeling lazy, I feel like I'm training again. For now, I don't even feel that sore.

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