Friday, June 26, 2009

Why (not) 2K?

So during this morning's swim I decided to change things up a bit. Rather than swim a nice even pace for the duration. I broke my workout into sets of 300 yards. After each set I would rest 30 to 45 seconds. The result was surprising.

Despite the fact that I was pushing harder for each set than I normally would for one big swim, I was able to keep up my pace from 300 to 300. Each swim averaged about four and a half minutes give a take a few seconds.

By going faster, I was also able to swim much further than I normally would, even with the regular breaks. When all was said and done, I'd swum 2000 yards. That's the farthest I've gone in a long, long time. What's more, even with all of the breaks and a very slow 150 yard cool down, I still swam that 2000 in a little more than 40 minutes!

I was so proud of myself having swum what I thought was a 2K that I didn't realize until I hit the shower that it had really only been 2000 yards, which really only equals 1.8288K. Darn you metric conversion!

If only I'd had my graphing calculator poolside, I would definitely have swum the extra 187.22659667542 yards to make it official. Heck, I may even have made it an even 200...of course that would give me a 2.01168K, and that just seems sloppy. What's a fella to do?

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