Monday, June 8, 2009

Weekend Fail

So, I've become convinced that as soon as I can get myself to stay on diet and workout on Saturday, I'm going to spontaneously weigh 112 pounds. Maybe not, but I'd be closer than I am today.

This weekend, my good friends Josh and Janet came to visit from San Antonio. It was a great time. We got to hang out, talk, and introduce them to baby Sydney for the first time. What we did not do was workout, make healthy eating decisions. It goes without saying that the responsibility for my failure rest solely on Josh's shoulders (Just look at this shirt he had on. I'd say that he doesn't always look this creepy, but I've committed myself to being honest in this blog.)

In all seriousness, having a fun weekend and spending time with friends does not preclude living healthy. No one chained me to my bed and forced me to sleep in. The weight bench didn't catch fire during the night. It was available to use. My dog certainly wouldn't have refused a walk. In fact, my friends would likely have encouraged me to be healthy.

I'm only five weeks into this year of fitness, but I've already encountered some surprises. On the positive side, I'm a little surprised that I've been able to get up early and work out with any level of consistency. On the downside, I never realized how hard it would be for me to shake this mindset of the weekend not being a time for sweating.

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