Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Outside My Comfort Zone

Yesterday, I woke up at 4 a.m. and felt a little ill. Deciding that a little extra sleep might be a good remedy, I turned off my early workout alarm and went back to bed. After all, wouldn't bouncing around getting exercise make me a lot more likely to puke? Still, the instance got me thinking about how hard it is sometimes to push myself out of my comfort zone.

Even after four months and 20+ pounds, I still have trouble getting up early enough to workout. I still struggle with basic dieting priorities, too. My wife made some awesome chocolate chip cookies this weekend. Do you think I turned them down? Do you think I even passed the jar all weekend without eating one? I wish.

It's amazing how quick I am to revert back to my lazy roots. Sleeping in is still an attractive notion. Ignoring a few calories still smells like a good time.

In life, doing the right thing isn't usually the hard part; discerning what the right thing is, poses the real challenge. It seems to me, therefore, that getting fit is deceptively simple. I almost always know what the right choice is (except for my peanut butter fiasco). It's just that the right thing isn't always the most fun.

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