Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Long Time Coming

Bless me, reader, for I have blogged. It has been almost two weeks since my last post. What's worse, it's not like I've been too busy working out to write something.

It all started when my beautiful little angel brought a cold home with her from day care. Generous little infant that she is, she decided to share that infect with my wife and I. Thankfully; I didn't get too bad a case. I never had to miss work, but it did affect me. I felt like I was smuggling a few liters of lead around in my sinuses, and I had a killer sore throat. The real problem, though, was that I woke up every morning feeling just awful. Upon getting out of bed, I inevitably felt like I was going to toss my cookies.

Here's the thing. It's hard enough to motivate oneself to get out of bed early and workout when one is a peak (peak for me at least) physical condition. Doing the same thing while nauseous...pretty much impossible. The result was that I honestly didn't work out at all for more than a week. I missed two weigh-ins at the Summit.

All of this would have been okay, if only I'd been smart and continued to track my calories on LiveStrong. Of course, that isn't what I did. Being sick I was able to rationalize all sorts of culinary evil. I was eating just as many calories as if I'd been working out consistently...without the part where I actually did work out.

Most unfortunate of all, though, I let all this just build and build. I could have started tracking calories at any point, but I didn't. I wrote off an entire week because I figured I'd already messed up to badly to redeem it. Then, even after I had recovered, I was scared to get back to work.

I haven't posted in the last two weeks not because I was sick, not because I was busy but because I was ashamed. I messed up, and then I let my embarrassment over the mistake keep me from getting back on track.

I apologize to those of you who have been so faithful about reading these silly posts and offering me such kind encouragement. Ultimately, it was the repeated comments from friends and family about my dearth of posts that initiated this one. This Monday, I started working out again. I did the same this morning, and I'm committed to keeping it up all week. Likewise, I'll be back on LiveStrong holding myself accountable to my eating decisions.

The lesson here is nothing novel, but it is still profound: it's never too late to turn things around. I don't know how much weight I may have put back on the last two weeks. I wouldn't be at all surprised if I found myself back in the 200's Friday, but that won't keep me from weighing in. I'm back, baby!

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain...getting sick or injured really knocks you of course, and it is so difficult to get back on track. I wish I didn't understand it as well as I do.
