Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Fat-butter and Jelly

One of the things that I love most of about LiveStrong.com is that is makes tracking my calories really easy. Still, there a few little things that I often don't bother adding to the count. For instance, if I pop one of those after-dinner mints on the way out of a restaurant, I don't bother counting that. Likewise, I often don't count diet sodas because they don't have any calories. This morning, though, I discovered that one of my "doesn't really counts," does, in fact, count...a lot.

Thing is, I like me some peanut butter. Like any average 5-year-old, I could eat a PB&J for lunch every day and have nothing but burps and grins to show for it. Sometimes as a snack, I'll grab a spoonful of the stuff and just savor every minute of it. Lately, as part of my campaign for increased slimness, I've even switched to the low-fat variety. Good for me, eh?

Thing is, it isn't good for me, and it does count. I looked on the back of my jar this morning and had to enlist the help of three co-workers in pealing my jaw off the floor. Do you know how many calories are in just 2 tablespoons of reduced fat peanut butter? 200! Those calories are spawning from a whopping 13 grams of fat!

Holy Toledo! I might as well have been injecting a few syringes of lard into my jugular each night! For every spoonful of this delicious little evil that I was consuming, I would have to swim about a kilometer.

Morals of the story? 1.) I'm an idiot. 2.) Snacks, and I mean all snacks, count, so we should be counting them.

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