Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Dehydrated Water

This morning I went to the Summit Family Fitness Center with the the intent to really push myself. I ended up swimming farther than I have in 50 yards (I swam 2,550 total). The only problem with this extra effort is that I did not call on it in conjunction with extra fuel. While I had my water bottle poolside, I didn't drink from it until I got out of the water...this was, apparently, a mistake.

It seems like a real paradox that I could have been suspended in liquid for 45 minutes and emerge dehydrated, but that's what happened. I got out of the pool feeling more like I was breaking out of a steam room whose door had been jammed for a few hours. I felt sick to my stomach and a little weak in the legs. Making my way to the locker room, I think I must have been a little green because upon entering the room, one of the Summit's personal trainers shot me a concerned look.

"You okay, man?" he asked.

You know what's fun? Telling a guy who's built like an armored car that your stomach is queasy from the morning swim. He's sure to understand that, right? Surely, he's over-exerted himself before...tossing suburbans around the parking lot.

"I'm good," I assured him, but as soon as he left the room I found myself crouching down and gulping down water.

At this juncture, I would like to nominate whoever put the oscillating fans in the locker room for sainthood. What's the proper process with that, anyway? Is there a form I can email the Vatican?

I must have been a really impressive specimen, crouched before the big fan, drinking water and breathing heavily. Watch out, ladies, I'm taken!

The lesson here is pretty easy. If you're working out, be it in the Sahara or the pool, drink water. Being dehydrated stinks, and I can't imagine anyone looking attractive while vomiting in a Speedo.


  1. It's been interesting following you on this journey. I've been working hard the back 3 months as well w/o the same success you have had. I have done 4 triathlons (2 this year) and have 2 more coming up. I swim about 5000m each week. 1500-2500 each session. You are a ton faster than this fat guy, but your shaved legs help I'm sure! My 100m (50m lane) is 2:05 at my 2000m pace.
    I've never gotten dehydrated before, but never stopped for a drink while swimming either... guess I need to keep that in mind. Good luck tomorrow!

  2. While I have never been accused of being a hairy guy, I will say that my legs are far from shaved.

    Thanks for the words and encouragement and for reading. Anyone who can survive a triathlon has my eternal respect. I'm confident that I could survive the first third only. I'm looking to compete in a monathlon someday.

  3. Try an aquabike or a swim/run duathlon. Multisport events just rock.
    Excellent video on efficient swimming for distance -
    Also, try just turning around prior to the wall to more simulate OWS, and shut your eyes while your head is down and learn to sight for the wall. There is no thick blue line on the bottom of the river to guide you!
