Friday, August 7, 2009

Weekly Weighin: Half-way Healthy

Is it just me, or has this been an impossibly long week. I've done a better job of getting in workouts. I used the weight bench in my garage Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Wednesday and this morning, I went for some long swims at the Summit. Since Monday, I've been really good about my diet (last weekend...not so much). All that to say, I didn't know what to expect when I stepped aboard the Summit's scale after my workout.

Tired and a little dehydrated (drinking water means gaining weight) I stepped onto the dreaded apparatus. It flitted about between decimal points and landed at 208 pounds and a few decimals (Do those even matter? This isn't trigonometry.)This represents a total weight loss of about 21 up to this point.

I'm happy with the loss. I really am, but part of me can't help but feel a little impatient, knowing that I am still 21 pounds away from a healthy BMI. That means I'm half-way there. At this rate, it may be the end of the year before I get there.

Of course, all that matters is that right now I'm heading in the right direction.

1 comment:

  1. Ron German, General Manager of the Summit Family Fitness CenterAugust 7, 2009 at 3:45 PM

    James, you may be at the point where you're building enough muscle mass to give you the perception that you aren't burning fat. Many people get to an exercise point where they experience the same and feel like they aren't killing fat.

    Here's what I think might be an interesting experiment. We have a BMI machine that sends a very low electrical current through your body, all the way to your feet, while returning to your hands where you are holding the device. The machine measures how long it takes for the current to take the trip. The band width is shown on the monitor- if the band width is narrow, it shows that the current is traveling through more muscle than fat. If the band is wider, that suggests it traveled through some fat, and the time from start to finish is longer. The machine then takes this data and arrives at your BMI.

    It might be interesting to see how our machine's BMI for you compares to the evil charts you're using- you may really be surprised at the difference! If you're game, all you have to do is sign our electrocution waiver and we'll get you set up- it takes seconds!
